from Dericks email...
"PLEASE Come help me fold!
This Thursday, September 24th, I will create a monumental sculpture from 3,615 pounds of second hand clothing. The resulting piece will be a 5 x 7 foot cube, carefully folded, stacked and arranged by color. Why 3,615 pounds? That's the amount of textile waste created by New Yorkers every 5 minutes. This event, hosted by the Council on Environment of New York City, will be part of the 5th Annual Green Brooklyn...Green City Fair and Symposium taking place on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at Brooklyn Borough Hall and Columbus Park. Clothing for the event will be loaned by the textile recycling company, Wearable Collections.
I'm looking for people who like to fold, have reasonable attention to detail, and can commit to a half day or more. Spread the word!!
Compensation: 1) Fold the whole day and you will be compensated with an original, framed watercolor by the artist commemorating the event 2) Everyone will be fed 3) You will receive a $10 travel stipend. Please let me know if you plan to come, and wear blue on the bottom and white on the top, Adam Kaufman will be making a mini-doc, so that will make us look great. Or like a cult, which would be fun too.
Below is the press release:
Green Brooklyn...Green City is an interactive event where attendees can learn first-hand from local experts about the many ways New York City is creating a more sustainable future. Alongside our Greenmarket farmers' market, attendees can visit exhibitors, make art from second hand clothing, and more. The event is the largest of its kind in Brooklyn and we invite you to come learn the simple, small steps you can take to help keep New York City a healthy place to live.
Where and when:
Thursday September 24, 2009
Folding from 9:30-6, rain or shine
(we will have nice tents!)
And You get to hang out with Derick! Nicest guy in the world! See Derick's ada gallery page here...