Current VCU Crafts grad, Gian Pierotti will set off down the James RIver aboard his CERAMIC!! vessel BOATLANDIA.
In his own words,
"As some of you know I have built a terra cotta boat to float down the James river with me inside. My future is unknown. The vessel and her sea worthiness is unknown. My destination is unknown. Please come and witness Boatlandia and her maiden voyage."
Gian's expedition occurs this Saturday morning (the 17th) at 10:00 am. He will launch his boat at the Osborn boat ramp which is about a 5 minute drive from Richmond.
Also above is an image of Perambulate, a work by Gian in ada gallery's current exhibition entitled AMBLING which will remain up through April 23rd. We're open 7 days a week right now, so really what's your excuse! See some of his work at our site.... and go to his site gianpierotti.com