Here are some more images from the Morgan Herrin show this month at Mulherin Pollard Projects. Our Knight has been causing quite a scene in the Chelsea neighborhood: cabbies are stoping to stare, people are smashing their faces onto our window, cars come to a screeching halt!! All to see the giant piece!
The Untitled Knight, by Herrin pays hommage to the famous sculpture, The Dying Gaul. His previous works, which have sold to biker-extroidanaire Lance Armstrong, have also spoken to classical antiquity. A gallery guest today dubbed our knight as therepresentation of wooden-neoclassicim.
Make sure you stop by to see the piece, these pictures do not give it the justice it deserves!
Also swing by to see fabric works from Kate Woodliff, oil on panels by Steven Roebuck and drawings from Rob Lee- all artists from ADA Gallery.